Do's and Don'ts of Flirting

The Diva’s Christina, Kathy, Sadie & Silk all chimed in with this week’s topic the Do’s and Don’ts of Flirting. The first installment of The Men’s Club is up over at Down for Repairs with additional commentary available from Puffy, Zonker and my two and a half cents worth is below. I recommend reading at least a couple of the links above prior to my commentary, don't worry they'll open in a new tab if you're using Fire Fox or a new window if you're using something else.

I’ll agree with the ladies that flirting is an art form, and by in large I agree with a majority of what they had to say.

Pretty much everyone agrees that eye contact is the key and that men aren’t supposed to check out women’s chest-ticles when we’re flirting. All the ladies & the Wizard mentioned something about comments / looks being directed towards breasts. Well if the ladies wouldn’t push them up with the Miracle Wonder Bra, two boxes of Kleenex and a roll of duct tape they wouldn’t be busting out of your blouse for us to see. I mean if I stuffed two packs of gym socks down my shorts you couldn’t help but look could you?

Smile, everyone says be sure to smile. Well that’s all fine and dandy if you have decent teeth, which was discussed earlier by me here and by the ladies here, here, here and here. But what happens if you have a grin like a hockey player? How do you explain to a woman that you still have all your teeth, it’s just that most of them are in your pocket. Oh and we aren’t supposed to keep a grin on our face like a serial killer either. To be the fairer sex women sure are confusing, kinda judgmental too, I mean you can't judge a book by it's cover but you can judge a man by his teeth / smile?

Ask questions about topics that both people are interested in, like yourself what better topic? Plus you want to impress the woman you’re flirting with by being knowledgeable about the topic right. But be sure to ask questions about her too, you need to find out if she has a steady job and decent pay (how else is she going to support your bad habits right?).

Everybody says touching is good. The only problem is how do men really know you women are clean? We all know women are dirty smelly drunken buffoons that go for days without showering, oh wait that’s a bachelor nevermind. So touching is good, but you can't be too touchy feely, and we aren't supposed to get all grabby. I’m really getting confused here, if I can’t look at a woman’s breasts how am I supposed to make sure I don’t touch them, by accident of course?

We aren’t supposed to be clever in our ddvances and yet they all say be witty and to make them laugh. They say everybody enjoys being around someone with a good sense of humor. Above all men are supposed to relax, RELAX, JUST HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO RELAX, THERE’S TOO MUCH PRESSURE.

Welcome to the world of flirting where a sexual harassment suit is just one slip of the tongue away ( I guess that could be taken literally and figuratively couldn’t it?)

Posted by phineas g. at 12:15 PM on March 23, 2005