I'll take the preacher's daughter

It’s Tuesday, which means it’s time for another installment of the Men’s Club and the Demystifying Divas. This week’s topic: What draws us to a Bad Girl? The ladies are covering the other side with why women seem to find Bad Boys attractive.

To start with I’m not going to cover why guys will go after a Bad Girl in the sense of why they'd go after a girl that is willing to sleep with any and everything that has a pulse. That would be simple. A majority of single men, especially while in their teenage college years, will jump in the sack with anything willing rattlesnakes, hedgehogs and inflatable sheep, much less a female.

It’s the Bad Girl, the one your parents would freak out if you brought home for fried chicken on Sunday. The girl that may or may not have piercings or tats; but definitely has the don’t give a damn attitude.

Why are men attracted to bad girls?

Confidence: One thing most guys hate: having to reassure a girl that she’s attractive, if we didn’t find you attractive we wouldn’t have asked you out. Not that it doesn't need to be done from time to time, but an attention hound grates on most men’s nerves like fingernails on a chalk board. It all goes back to the old saying about high maintenance women; no matter how good she looks some other guy is sick and tired of putting up with her crap. If you have to interject complements for her into every conversation it gets old quick; thus most guys are intrigued by women that they feel are already self confident.

Curiosity: If she'll cast off societies norms and tell the world to kiss her ass, then what else is she up for. Now prior to you jumping to conclusions I'm not talking about what she’s up for in the sack, I'm referring to life's many other activities; like bowling and gardening(naked of course, but bowling and gardening none the less).

Challenge: Like women, men like a challenge, and the allure of an untamed woman is something that will drive most men mad. Not that we’re looking for to change her, but the thrill of having a woman that will speak her mind and to hell with what anyone else thinks is a breath of fresh air.

If men are given the choice between women with a persona of June Cleaver or Jenna Jameson(note the or part deems the choice mutually exclusive), most would choose Jenna Jameson. (If you don’t know who Jenna Jameson is the author with the best selling book: How to Make Love Like a Porn Star oh and an she’s the Adult Film Starlet). We'd actually like a combination of the two, so we could have dinner ready for us when we got home and all the acrobatic achievements in the bedroom afterwards. Really would be the fun in dating / marrying someone that’s so benign and predictable that you know what to expect 24 / 7?

By the way, why is it that preacher's children are notoriously hellions and why haven't preachers figured out their kids are the bad boys & girls?

For other men's club opinions: The Wizard and Puffy. Zonker's taking the week off.

The ladies explain why they all want me women like bad boys. So hop on over and visit: Christina, Kathy, Sadie and Silk.

Posted by phineas g. at 12:35 PM on April 12, 2005