Re: Applications now being accepted

Jim's asked for people to fill out applications to guest blog at his place.

I'm sure I don't have a snowball's chance in hell, but I've applied anyhow.

  1. Name: phin
  2. Sex: as often as the wife allows (so not very, considering my sever case of foot in mouth disease).
  3. Age: Mentally? or physically? neither of which would accurately represent the number of years I have existed outside the womb
  4. Favorite Color: Paisley
  5. Superpower(s): I can breath underwater (oh and I can kick Aquaman's ass)
  6. Are you able to resist the inexorable pull of a comment party? It depends on what Harvey bribes me with.
  7. Have you ever been convicted of a crime you did not commit? (Yes)
  8. Who framed you? A College Roommate
  9. Was your revenge classically Machiavellian or of the exploding gas tank variety? Machiavellian for the most part, with a collapsing bed thrown in to boot
  10. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? (Hell No)
  11. Benifer? Should be fed to a pack of rabid chlamydia infested jellyfish.
  12. Complete this sentence: My dog has an unusually low tolerance for stupid people asking if she'll bite.
  13. Pervert! very much so, thanks for noticing.
  14. Can you be trusted to guest post on Snooze Button Dreams without making a bugger-all mess of things? (Yes/No) Yes
  15. No, really? (Yes/No) No, but it won't be intentional
  16. What do you want to be when you grow up? young again
  17. As a guest poster, what sort of things would you be posting? things I wouldn't normally post on my site(like blue footed boobies) and applications for guest bloggers to fulfill my guest blogging duties (of course they'd go unanswered because I don't have the authority to allow them to guest post)
  18. Pervert! are you stalking me or something?
  19. List three hobbies: Insider Trading, Needle Point, Cooking (He didn't say they had to be mine)
  20. No comment. Then I won't comment either
  21. Essay question. Please do not open your booklets until instructed to do so. In 500 words or less describe why you want to be a guest poster at SBD, why you deserve to be a guest poster at SBD, and a workable energy plan that is not dependent upon foreign natural resources. Begin. Huh? Maybe, and Yes. Not necessarily in that order.

Additional disinformation: I've served guard duty over at basil's one weekend and didn't burn his place down.

Posted by phineas g. at 07:00 PM on May 02, 2005

It is frightening just how close our answers are.

Except for the superpower, of course. Everybody knows that my superpower is the ability to post comments as if I were any blogger.

Posted by: Jim at May 2, 2005 10:25 PM

That would be a handy super power to have, then I could be the great Frank J.

Posted by: phin at May 3, 2005 03:36 PM