Yay sparklies

Jewelry is a funny and fickle thing. One of life's most important decisions for a man often times hinges on the purchase of a ring. Why because society says that if we don't spend three months salary on an engagement ring, instead of making a down payment on a house, we just don't love her enough or we haven't really though through our decision to marry.

Then there's the wedding band, the anniversary band, tennis bracelets and all kinds of other sparklies that people deem to be an important method of expressing our true feelings.

See you can really express just about any emotion or sentiment with a jewelry purchase:

You can say I love you:
But you've got to be careful. I dated a couple of girls in the past that said they wouldn't consider a relationship with someone who wasn't planning on purchasing them at LEAST a Carat Diamond.

See money really can buy you love. If they're a hooker, and when someone demands at a certain sized diamond all you're really doing is negotiating price. It's the thought that counts right?

Then you can also say I'm sorry:
Say you get caught in one of life's little situations. What better way to apologize than with a set of diamond earrings?

Now before you go thinking it's just women that demand sparklies think again. I know several "men" that have more expensive taste in jewelry than the women I'm friends with. As dear Sadie once said, "one must search for masculine men these days, as so many have been pussified due to the glorification of sensitive males." What the hell does a guy need with an onyx and diamond pinky ring; unless he's trying to win the Mrs. Metrosexuality pageant?

Sorry folks I just don't see the reason men need to wear have a diamond ring on every finger unless they're trying to compensate for something else. The real men I know wear a wedding band, a watch, possibly a class ring and maybe a necklace. But if you want to prove you're over compensating for a below the belt lacking feel free to spend your bank account on bling.

For more enlightened views:
Christina's investment tip, gold.
Silk says that women and birds are genetically linked.
Sadie says to burn dollars to create carbon that will eventually become diamonds.
Kathy just can't stop herself. From what you'll have to read for yourself.
Phoenix, guest blogging with the divas this week be sure to visit, says she's a stereotypical girl.

Puffy is finished robbing a jewelry store and has posted.

The Wizard has to been called away on work, stupid work always interfering with blogging.

The Gentlemen of Naked Villany will be taking zonker's place in the Men's Club lineup. zonker is trying to convince us he actually has a life outside of blogging so he had to step down. Up to bat this week is The Maximum Leader and he's knocked it out of the park, you go read now.

Posted by phineas g. at 09:00 AM on May 17, 2005

Luv, if my bloke slept with my sister there aint no diamond in the world gonna save him unless it's attatched to a lazer thats about to liquidise me! :p

Posted by: silk at May 17, 2005 09:44 AM

Always fun, as well as informative!

; )

Posted by: Christina at May 17, 2005 09:59 AM

Heh heh. Nice advertisements. Could you put me back on the diamond heist list? That was a proud blogging moment indeed;-)

Posted by: sadie at May 17, 2005 01:56 PM

Good news: my wife doesn't like expensive jewelry

Bad news: I have to actually put some thought into what to get her for b-day, Christmas, anniversary, etc. None of this "I'll just take a quick trip to the jewelry store & solve my problem" for me.


Posted by: Harvey at May 22, 2005 01:40 PM