An Etiquette Question

If you’ve been read very much of what I write you’ve probably noticed I’m a fairly particular about certain things, especially when it comes to web design and how pages are displayed. I’ve mentioned before how agitated I get by following the standards set for web design only to have Microsoft’s Internet Explorer trash the design of a page, but that really doesn’t have much to do with this post.

I realize that everyone doesn’t have access to a geek or they may not have the time to learn basic html. I’ve made suggestions to a couple of people on things they could do, quick simple things like adding <br / > after a link in their side bar to start a new line for the next link. But I started to realize that unless you have a relationship with a blogger it may not be polite to suggest improvements.

Another thing is a grammatical or spelling issue that may have been overlooked by spell check, but may lead to ridicule. It personally doesn’t bother me when someone points out a spelling / grammar error in the comments section. I’ll typically correct it, thank the person and admit I’m a knuckle head. However with some people I’ve noticed they view comments pointing out their mistakes as a cardinal sin. How dare you go to their site and critique their writing in the comments (even though they make the change in their post).

I’m just not sure what the proper protocol is when it comes to this. What’s the proper protocol? Some of the bigger and busier blogs don’t check their "basic" e-mail very often, however they like most other bloggers get that warm fuzzy feeling when somebody leaves a comment and they read that e-mail often.

Should you e-mail someone tips / pointers on changes they could make for their blog to be more readable?
Is it acceptable to point out their error in a playful manner?
Should you simply e-mail them and hope they read it in a timely manner?

I have fairly thick skin, it doesn’t bother me if somebody points out my few faults, but what do other people deem acceptable?

Posted by phineas g. at 03:04 PM on May 22, 2005

If you have a suggestion that would make their blog prettier or more readable, I'd definately treat it like spelling errors and email the blogger rather that put it in their comments.

Unless, of course, they ask for suggestions. Then put it in their comments and let the discussion begin!

Posted by: Tuning Spork at May 22, 2005 05:44 PM

Okay, here's my comment, "reticule" should be ridicule. And I agree about the thick skin. It seems that all I get are snarky comments and suggestions on how to change my personality and advice to never have children. Oh, well can't have nothing. And I have enjoyed your filling in for basil.

Posted by: Two Dogs at May 22, 2005 05:54 PM there something you wanna tell me, Phin?

Heh. Feel free. From you, I'll take it.

Posted by: sadie at May 22, 2005 05:55 PM

Tuning Spork thanks.

Two Dogs, I wished I could say I'd planned the reticule / ridicule bit. But I'm not that bright. Thanks for the input.

sadie, your design are always lovely and you spelling impeccable. So any jabs thrown your way by me would just be a jealous rant.

Posted by: phin at May 22, 2005 08:10 PM

Damn, I was actually hoping to see you call yourself a knucklehead. That was my whole objective today. Oh, and to eat 12 pounds of crawfish.

Posted by: Two Dogs at May 23, 2005 03:20 AM

Suggest a-way! I think as long as it is nicely done why not suggest? via e-mail is best unless they've asked.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at May 23, 2005 03:31 AM

Dammit Phin, you're such a damn sweetie.

Posted by: sadie at May 23, 2005 06:03 AM