More blogger help

I've seen a couple of people mention that they use NoteTab Light, most notably Mr. Bad Example himself Harvey, for their blogging / posting / html editing purposes. I took their advice and I'm a huge fan of it, it has the HTML Coding references there so my feeble mind doesn't have to try and remember them. If you haven't looked into NoteTab I'd recommend you do so, it'll make your blogging life easier.

Another free tool that I use is Metapad. Metapad is an enhanced version of Windows Notepad. It doesn't contain the rich features of NoteTab, it is however a vast improvement over the Standard Windows Notepad. The Metapad Site has instructions on how to replace the default Notepad.

While I'm on the topic are there any other tools you guys are using that may make bloggers live's easier?

Update: Travis suggests SciTe Link:

Update #2: Harvey of Bad Example (yes the same one mentioned above) suggests Irfanview:
Free image-handling software. It's not the most versatile thing in the word, but if you're just looking for something simple & fairly intuitive to help you get images ready for posting, this is perfect. Especially since it lets you compress jpeg images, as described toward the bottom of this tutorial: n...utorial_Old.htm

Update #3: Moogie of Moogie's World seconds the NoteTab Light Suggestion.

And to take sadie's advice I'll drink to all of these!

Posted by phineas g. at 11:59 PM on April 13, 2005