Kevin Drum Incites a Riot

Kevin Drum posted an article yesterday telling Michelle Malkin and several other bloggers to STFU. Another prime example of maturity and intelligence displayed by progressive bloggers. The thought processes and intellect only go downhill from there in the comments section of Drum's blog. The escapees from asylum known as the Democratic Underground brought forth useful bits of knowledge like:

Remember 9/11 Changed Everything.

The Republicans [screwed] up. Martinez admitted it. Now if they could only admit that they killed 1500+ soldiers for a lie. [Edited by me]

I'm not sure how they managed to jump from a Memo Regarding Terri Shavio to the war in Iraq, but they tried. From there the intelligence (or lack there of) declines to a point where Mrs. Malkin is personally attacked. Several have jumped to defend Drum saying he isn't responsible for the opinions expressed in his comments section.

Drum and his band of merry Moon Bats at Political Animal, have displayed a mastery of the English language that can only be picked up by trolling at the Democratic Underground for months. They wonder why the Progressive Party is at an all time low and yet they continue to encourage actions such as these. It's time the progressive leaders accept responsibility for their actions and stop blaming conservatives.

Drum set the language expectations, set the tone and opened the door the trolls when he ended his post with STFU. Confederate Yankee, The Jawa Report and IMAO all have large readerships without the language used by multiple people leaving comments at Drum’s Political Animal. The blog owner is responsible for the comments left on their site. They can be cleaned up, deleted or at a bare minimum the readers could be asked to stay on topic. Drum has yet to do follow through on any of these actions.

Best guess is that Drum and the rest of his loyalists will continue to personally attack those that don't agree with them since they can't find a way to intelligently argue the facts. Drum remarked in June of 2003 on how he allowed comments on his blog, while a majority of the large conservative blogs didn't. With trolls like the ones at Political Animal is it any wonder Mrs. Malkin and the other bloggers don't allow comments.

Frank J of IMAO said: "Mrs. Malkin seems to get the worst barbs because she's not only conservative, but she's also committed the high crimes of being a minority and a woman (an opinionated one!)." Other than this what has she done to deserve such hate from "progressive" thinkers?

Maybe Drum will be man enough to apologize for the content of his blog and his loyalists’ remarks personal, but I doubt it. Until then the only thing that we can hope for is that Progressives such as Drum and his loyalists continue to drive the moderate democrats away from their party.

Linked to basil's lunch menu 4/8/2005.

Note: I e-mailed a copy of this post to Kevin Drum, if he responds I'll update the post.

Posted by phineas g. at 08:57 AM on April 08, 2005