The Moon Bat that is Scoobie Davis

I’ve always been amused by the idiocy displayed on the far left. You know the likes of Oliver Willis, The Daily Kos and The Raving Moon Bats at the Democratic Underground. Another Moon Bat, not to be out done, has proclaimed himself king of the Googlebomb. That person would be none other than the not-so-great Scoobie Davis. Scoobie Davis is founder of Scoobie Davis Online and The Googlebomb Project. From Scoobie Davis Online he directs traffic to The Googlebomb Project Blog where he give has set up posts that allow people to cut and paste links for Googlebombs.

If you aren’t sure what a Googlebomb is, it’s a way to direct traffic using the search results of Google and by misdirecting links in a web page, you can help direct traffic. From the Googlebomb Project blog: “It is a quick, cost-free way to give members of the web-surfing public information. I believe the goal of Googlebombing is to expose those who attempt to deceive us.

I’ve been debating on whether or not to mention Scoobie Davis as I didn’t want to give him any credit. Normally when you ignore something insignificant it’ll eventually go away, but I guess a more accurate analogy would be he’s a pimple on the ass of progress that needs to be popped.

I had always assumed it was envy that started off his campaign, with his latest Google Bomb of Michelle Malkin, I’m positive. His Google Bombs direct traffic to such reliable, non-partisan sites such as:,, Democrats.Org and of course there’s almost always a link back to Scoobie Davis online.

Here are a list of the people this Moon Bat’s Google Bombed: Tammy Bruce, Christopher Rudy and News Max, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity, Fox News, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin. I'm not sure why Scoobie gets his panties all in a wad when he thinks about these people and decides to Googlebomb them; but after looking at a majority of his Google Bombs thought, it looks like Scoobie Davis is using the Googlebomb Project blog to send traffic back to Scoobie Davis online. Now how would that be for an exposé. Wouldn't it be amusing if the Moon Bats that have been helping Scoobie Davis Googlebomb learned he was just trying to boost traffic to his blog?

Posted by phineas g. at 12:36 PM on April 04, 2005