Thanks basil

basil, from basil's blog posted this morning about his April fools prank /The Alliance's precision guided humor assignment: The creation of It's A Pundit, if you aren't familiar with it go there it's a great spoof of that Hippy Beating, Hobo Killing, Puppy Blending Glenn Reynolds. In my humble opinion it is the greatest April Fool's prank I saw yesterday and one of the best I've ever seen.

In basil's post he thanks everyone that stopped by to post and said "Friday was one of the most enjoyable days I have ever had reading a blog. And it was my blog." Those are my sentiments exactly, except it wasn't my blog, matter of fact I'm kinda envious I didn't think of the idea.

I can assure you that as long as basil lets me keep my log in I'll be posting there. As Saide from Fistful of Fortnights said: "I must admit, it's rather freeing to post as La Femme Wonkita." Well I wasn't posting as La Feeme Wonkita, but it is great fun to post as one of Glenn Reynolds personalities.

Thanks basil, not only for allowing me to post at It's A Pundit but for linking to me and sending traffic my way. See for those of you who don't know basil was the first person to link to me, back on Feburary 4th. I've been meaning to thank him for it but well, I'm no good at that type of thing and I kept putting it off. So Thanks basil for helping my little blog become somewhat of a daily read for some folks.

As I said earlier I'll keep posting at It's A Pundit until basil runs me off or the real Evil Glenn Reynolds decides to take a break from blending puppies and tries a goldfish shake (you know goldfish are the snacks that smile back right?).

And in the words of Dan Rather: Courage.

Posted by phineas g. at 09:19 AM on April 02, 2005