MBA Bashing continues.....

Well evidently somebody's upset I called Danny Schechter a weenie after reading his post about the protests in Syria being illegal, I'm with basil when it comes to being unsure if the it's actually Danny Schechter or not.

I also pointed out that you have to be pretty damned petty if you are compelled to sign your name with your graduate degree after it. (The knucklehead in question signed is name Ihava Napolionic Complex, MBA. Well his first name isn't really Ihava and his last name isn't Complex, but you get the point.

One of the few pleasures in life I have is getting under peoples skin. I've said before I'm a simpleton, given half a chance I'll piss someone off just for a reaction.

Thus the MBA Bashing continues.

I think I have a new favorite cartoon!
Kind Regards,
Phineous T. Goldfish, M.B.A.

Posted by phineas g. at 11:55 PM on March 08, 2005