Gender Confusion Continued

basil recently wrote an article about Gender Confusion and the Gender Genie. This got me to thinking about the whole, Group Blog issue over at IMAO. Personally I’m a fan of IMAO and I like the group blog format; Harvey, Right Wing Duck, SarahK and Space Monkey are doing a great job and are providing quite a bit of humor / input that would otherwise be missed. So to the naysayers and anti-group-blog at IMAO I say bugger off; if you don’t like the format, you don’t have to be a troll and talk badly about the posts. Now that that rant is out of the way, the most recent addition to the family of posters is Aquaman. Now I’m not one to go bashing super hero’s but it appears that Aquaman may actually be better categorized as Aquawoman. When I took “Aquaman’s” two most recent fun trivia posts from February 21, 2005 & February 22, 2005 and ran them through the Gender Genie, they came back with the results being female. Don’t take my word for it, give it a try.

Now being the good conspiracy theorist this leads leave me with the following paths to pursue.

  1. SarahK is actually posting the Aquaman Fun Facts, thus it should be Aquawoman.
  2. One of Frank J’s personalities is a woman.
  3. SarahK successfully neutered Frank J after a failed attempt at Group Plan A, and Frank is now posting as Aquaman.
More to come later, I’ve got to finish my Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie.
Posted by phineas g. at 11:28 AM on February 22, 2005