Hypocrisy abound

The release of Terri Shavio's autopsy has proven that Mrs. Shavio was in a persistent vegetative state. Baring divine intervention there was no hope for recovery, she was blind, she would have been unable to survive without a feeding tube, she was completely unaware of her surroundings and the Doctors that claimed she was responding to stimuli were quacks.

I never voiced my opinion on Terri Shavio, I didn't feel it was my place to say one way or the other. I still don't. The wife and I have taken steps to ensure this won't happen to us, thus I urge you now as I did several months ago to fill out a living will. You can find links here and here, if you haven't the resources to have a lawyer file one for you.

The one thing that continues to amaze me regarding Mrs. Shavio's case however is the people who blatantly accused Michael Shavio of murder are still sticking to their claims, even when medical science can't prove he did anything wrong. Actually I'm not that amazed as it was mainly ultra-conservative right to life groups distorting the truth to further their cause. In typical extremist fashion when things aren't going their way they have simply ignore the truth.

To those still riding Michael Shavio's ass: Leave the man alone, get on with your life or at least find another cause. Here's a question for the ultra-conservative: How can you argue against the sanctity of marriage when trying to save Terri Shavio, but for it when you're trying to prevent gay marriage. Sorry folks, but my moral standing just doesn't fluctuate that easily.

Doesn't this seem the least bit hypocritical to you? How will you react when the tables are turned, where the husband is the one clinging to a hope of recovery? I'm betting then you'll be arguing the sanctity of marriage then, how blissfully hypocritical of you.

As Confederate Yankee stated:

If nothing else, it comforts me somewhat to think it that Terri is in a better place now.

I’m not so sure about the rest of us.

With the whimsical morals of the supposed morally superior party I'm not so sure either.

I started to include points regarding the lack of response in this post as well; however Kathy at Cake Eater Chronicles does a much better job than I would have, go read her Random Observation post.

Posted by phineas g. at 01:24 PM on June 16, 2005

I agree and Kathy's post was very good. I doubt I'll see many bloggers apologize and admit they were wrong. So far, I've seen only one.

Posted by: Dash at June 16, 2005 02:15 PM

One of the reasons I never went after this story. There was no way to pick a valid opinion without using emotion instead of logic. When you do that there's a 50% chance that you're dead wrong.

Posted by: Jim at June 16, 2005 03:47 PM