Raging RINO's

Not really being a fan of the Extreme Right, and definitely not being a fan of the Extreme Left I've wondered aimlessly around the blodidodehexiwebisphere searching for a group of politically like minded bloggers.

Today, thanks to The Politburo Diktat my search has come to an end and I'm joining up with the Raging RINO's.

What the hell's a RINO you may be asking. Some folks like to think it stands for a Republican In Name Only. Somebody who someone who is a Republican, but still expand governmental control while limiting personal freedom's.

The Commissar describes a RINO as Conservative who might not want to drink the Party Kool-Aid on every single issue (ESCR, Schiavo, small government, fiscal responsibility, senatorial compromises, free markets/trade, pandering to Creationists, etc.). Thus there's a new TTLB Community.

Steve-O the LLama Butcher clarified what RINO stands for by the way. That would be Republicans wIth eNormous gOnads if you're too lazy to click over.

Posted by phineas g. at 02:23 PM on June 22, 2005

There's a RINO blogroll, too, if you're interested.

Posted by: j.d. at June 24, 2005 01:10 AM