'tis IMAO's blogiversary

Yep today is IMAO's 3rd Anniversary.

An impressive feat to say the least. In the past three years the blogidodeheisweb has seen great talents rise and fall, amazingly Frank J. & IMAO have managed to survive (in spite of himself many may say). I for one feel its Frank J.'s complete and total lack of self awareness that has helped to propel him to the top, that and his undying love for Monkeys and Kittens.

Some say behind every good man is a good woman, luckily Frank J. didn't know his limits and managed to con SarahK into marrying him. Hopefully SarahK won't realize until its to late that Aquaman is the true driving force behind IMAO.

Happy Birthday to IMAO and congratulations to blogidodeheisweb's Boxer Bedecked Overlord: Frank J.

Note: This has nothing to do with the Alliance's request for Mischeif, nope nothing at all.

Posted by phineas g. at 10:30 PM on July 09, 2005 | TrackBack