Season's end

This weekend marked the ending of the summer softball season. The sister-in-law's team won their tournament. Through the fourteen innings she pitched she allowed two hits, three walks and one run; even more impressive considering she spent a majority of the summer recuperating from a stress fractured shin.

Side note from the weekend: The creator of juicy shorts is brilliant.

If you're wondering how I'll be passing the time this fall don't worry. The missus is coaching Volleyball, so I'll still be able to watch attractive ladies running around in shorty shorts. (The wife coaches a collegiate team, so I don't feel too guilty watching them frolic about.)

Some of you may not believe me, however the follow links provide photographic proof there are quite a few attractive ladies that play volleyball. (primary per zonker's request that I photoblog more)

Posted by phineas g. at 12:50 PM on August 08, 2005 | TrackBack

Ok, I have carefully reviewed all of the volley ball pics and must say that I am not totally convinced yet. I think you may need to post a few (20 or so ought to do it) more photographs for our consideration before we can agree.

Seriously, woman athletes are so much hotter and more attractive than the anorexic models. No comparison.

Posted by: RP at August 8, 2005 03:38 PM

I have to side with RP on this one.
The evidence is rather scant. Insufficient data to form a coherent hypothesis.
Need more input to properly formulate wether or not this so-called "assistance" you claim to be giving your wife is indeed an onerous task.

Posted by: Rob at August 9, 2005 06:05 PM