Farewell Dear Feisty fare thee well

As the old saying goes all good things must come to an end, earlier this week Chrissy decided the time had come to lay Feisty Repartee to rest. To say she'd opened several doors for me would be an understatement. Feisty was where I first discovered the other darling divas, where I sarcastically responded to a post and was shortly thereafter introduced to the other bloggers who formed the men's club.

When reading her posts I could taste the food on the stove, smell the fresh cut flowers and feel exactly what Ms. Feisty wanted me to feel. There were times I giggled like a schoolgirl and yet others when I was choked up, teary eyed and at a complete and utter lack for words. The proof of her skills as a writer will forever be present in the hallowed archives of Feisty Repartee.

Upon reading of Chrissy's decision to bring Feisty to an end my first reaction was to implore Chrissy to carry on with Feisty. The selfish side of me wants to continue to share in the antics of her beloved children and to engross myself in the stories of her childhood. After a bit of reflection and a couple of e-mails bounced back and forth I came to terms with what I already knew; she has to watch out for herself and her family first and foremost.

I'd hoped she'd reconsider. That she'd just cut back or take a break and return reinvigorated, ready for the next chapter in Feisty history. Alas, on August the 8th the final chapter in the brief and wonderful life of the blog known as Feisty Repartee was closed. It is reassuring to know that Feisty Repartee's archives are still there, that when the longing becomes to great we can flip through the pages of history and reacquaint ourselves with an old friend.

As with all things in life change is inevitable, it is impossible for us to grow as people without change and whether we like it or not, this is one of those times for our darling Chrissy. At these times I can hope that she'll also take comfort in knowing that she’s made the blogosphere and the world a better place.

It is with a heavy heart that I bid Feisty Repartee, I can only hope that she'll stop by every now and then to make sure I'm not slacking too much and with the comforting words of encouragement we've come to know and love.

Posted by phineas g. at 10:40 PM on August 12, 2005 | TrackBack

Dammit, Phin, you've made me cry.

You are a dear friend with a secure place in my heart.

I am grateful for your kinds words.

Thank you.

; )

PS., I'll be seeing you around, you can bet on it.

Posted by: Chrissy at August 12, 2005 11:10 PM

that was absolutely beautiful. well said.

Posted by: amelie at August 13, 2005 12:47 AM

That was very well said, Phin.

Posted by: Dash at August 14, 2005 06:14 PM

Damned well said! Tears weigh down a bird's feathers, though--so cut it out!

Posted by: Ranten.N.Raven at August 14, 2005 10:46 PM