Who's your daddy????

With the Commissar working on a blogger family tree it had me wondering who is to blame for the mindless drivel y'all find here on a semi-regular basis. I've also had a couple of people who've asked me who got me started blogging.

In the truest since I've had a blog in one form or another since I enrolled in Computer Science back in college ('95 - '96). We were required to maintain a website with course work, projects, etc...

The evolution from of a web site with mainly tech notes, projects and a bit about daily work happenings to blog splat and then MuNu happened when I stumbled upon blogger though a google search and then browsing with the next blog feature. I'd heard of blogging before then but never paid a whole lot of attention to it.

My original blog splat blog got trashed as it was a fairly incoherent band of thoughts and ramblings, mainly technically based and I started phin's blog after I went on several tirades, basically venting to the PC instead of the missus.

Am I really just the bastard child of the Computer Science department of my local university and blogger. It's not really a though I cherish as most of the professors are stinky liberals. I would be almost as unpleasant feeling as learning you're secretly the love child of Andrew Sullivan and Hillary Clinton.

Maybe I'll adopt Pixy, the Llama Butchers. the Fortnightly ladies and the Velocidevil as my blog 'rents. That'd be an interesting menagerie wouldn't it?

Posted by phineas g. at 12:56 PM on October 26, 2005 | TrackBack

Now THAT, my little phren, is quite the gene pool!

I'll take credit for your twisted sense of humor...

; )

Posted by: Chrissy at October 26, 2005 02:55 PM

those 'rents would explain a lot about you ;)

Posted by: amelie at October 26, 2005 04:56 PM

The lad I never had. And we definitely share some blogger Mitochondrial Eve of some sort...

Posted by: Velociman at October 26, 2005 06:06 PM


mitochondrial eve.

i thought you were my blog-sibling.

Posted by: Sadie at October 26, 2005 08:56 PM


Not all liberals are stinky.

I'll grant you the Minister of Propagand, but I do shower regularly.

Posted by: smallholder at October 27, 2005 01:45 PM