I'm a sexy beyatch...

Ah, yes, 'tis Thursday, which means it's time for another enlightening episode of the Men's Club and the Demystifying Divas. This topic for today: What constitutes "sexy" in a member of the opposite sex?

Seems like a fairly easy topic to me. Now it may be a bit hard for me to 'splain so I'll use examples.

Sexy | Not Sexy.

While I'm able to attest to the sexiness the missus, I have to speculate1 about a majority of the other ladies roaming around the blogidodihexiweb. See it's pretty simple, yet fairly complex, kinda like the Jitterbug. Since I'm sure I've aptly confused everyone by now, as I've confused myself, I'll go into further detail.

Sexy really and truly is a bit more than having 36-24-36 measurements; teethes are kind of required (at times), hair is a nice asset as well in most cases, but we can't forget about the importance of a nice set of "Child Birthin' Hips" and ensuring that the prospective mothers of the fruits of our loins has the "ability to keep said fuit properly fed".

Yet sexy is also a bit more than physical. The typical personality traits; confidence, a sense of humor, willing to try a mena... *ouchies*, damn y'all don't have to be so violent. Truth be told there has to be something physically appealing to get the old blood pumping, per say.

I'll probably be strung up for admitting this, but a woman climbs between five points on the ten point hotness scale if she's willing to crawl into the sack with us and another two or three points if she's willing to repeat the experience sober.

It's the entire package, something physically appealing and personality. I've known identical twins, while one was as sexy as any naughty Liberian you've ever fascinated about the other just wasn't. The "less than sexy" twin just wasn't, it wasn't physical, she just didn't have it.

Being a hetero, or as some may say a "breeder", I would discount my fellow Men's Clubbers as sexy due to their possession of dangling participles; however they've got the coherent details that evaded me: Stiggy, The Foreign Minister, Jamesyboy and our Guest Nugget.

I'm pretty sure at this point I've rambled more than enough, thus you ought go visit those who I'd classify as sexy: Phoenix, Sadie, Silk, Kathy and the guest diva Sheila

Note: 1) To reduce the amount of speculation involved in this exercise pictures may be sent.

Posted by phineas g. at 08:00 PM on November 10, 2005 | TrackBack

Ok, that made sense. It's a combination of the inside and the outside. I tend to agree.

Posted by: Theresa at November 11, 2005 08:50 AM

Can you replace the term "Child Birthin' Hips" with "Grabbin' Hips?" :)

Posted by: Contagion at November 11, 2005 08:50 AM

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. I'm sexier than Wonkette?

Posted by: sadie at November 11, 2005 12:08 PM

I can't belive I actually made sense.

Grabbin' Hips works for me.

WAYYYYYY Mo' sexy than Wonkette. As a matter of fact, I throw up a bit in my mouth every time I use the word sexy and wonkette in the same sentence.

Posted by: phin at November 11, 2005 12:11 PM