
I've learned something the hard way this past weekend. Men, if I can even call myself a man anymore, don't belong at baby showers. Why I let the missus and my mother-in-law talk me into going is beyond me.

I blame it on the my lovely bride suffering from PMS (Pre-Motherhood Syndrome) and my wanting to appease her before she goes on a hormonally charged killing spree with me as the first victim.

Yes ladies and gentlemen I now realize why father’s day is a nationally observed holiday. It isn't because a game of slap and tickle had a "lasting" side effect. Nope it's because we men were able to endure the nine or so months of hell on earth known as pregnancy. The fits of rage I can handle, its the crying cause you're happy, sad or the wind is blowing from the west that's going to be the end of me.

Seven months into the Nine month hormonally empowered rollercoaster ride and I'm pretty sure its all down hill from here. Now I understand why a wise man told me earlier: Just tell anyone that asks that you're drinking for three now. A two month bender shouldn't be so bad; it'll be just like college, without the occasional interruption for studying.

Posted by phineas g. at 10:52 AM on November 28, 2005 | TrackBack

It would be wrong to laugh right now, so I won't. *grin* But if you think you have it bad NOW, just wait until labor!

Posted by: Theresa at November 28, 2005 01:12 PM

I am so with Theresa on this one!

Posted by: Oddybobo at November 28, 2005 03:16 PM

Oh, little grasshopper, why did you not come to me prior to the event? I could have helped you, guided you, etc. You see, when we had the baby shower for my wife, all the women-folk were gathered in one place to drink tea and ooh and aah over baby things. All the men, however, were with me where I was running an open tab for said men and presiding over 4 reserved pool tables and a 6 foot hoagie.

There are ways to enjoy a baby shower and then there are ways to enjoy a baby shower.

Still, you have learned much. I just hope you come to me in the future as I have so much to give to a clearly deserving soul such as yourself.

Posted by: RP at November 28, 2005 04:42 PM

Forced into a baby shower? Dude, my heart bleeds for you. So sorry to hear about you losing your penis like that.

Posted by: Jim at November 30, 2005 10:52 AM