The Bloggies

The Weblog Awards 2005 are up and running. A highly subjective category exists for Best Blog Design and a handful of the nominations made were created by Apothegm Designs, which you may have also heard mentioned by Madam Sadie and I a time or two.

We're of course tickled that folks liked the designs enough to put them up and we of course realize we might end up with ass-o-lutely nothing. Finalists will be announced in the coming days, and out of a zillion, it would be nice to see an Apothegm Design in the list. If we don't make the cut, well maybe we'll have better luck next year. Below the fold is a list of the Nominated sites we've had our hands in with a great deal of the content stolen directly from here.

Drunken Wisdom: Created by Phin, with moral support by Sadie to capture the essence of being both drunk and wise. Really is there anything better than being a tad bit on the tipsy side and spouting out worthless facts? The lush colours and offbeat personality of this design really do make one feel as if they entered their local pub. Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Homer and That 1 Guy.

Just *dot* Christina: Created by Sadie, with moral support by Phin who requested more nekidness. Chrissy's new look captures her desire for minimalism in her return to blogging. It's elegant, classy, and Just *dot* Christina!

The LLama Butchers: Created by Phin, with moral support by Sadie to beat Steve and Robbo into submission. This design is perhaps our most eye-catching piece. It really was quiet the task to capture the personalities of those ever defiant LLamas. Now to get working on that Melissa Theuriau skin.

MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy: Created by Sadie, with moral support by Phin, the coding genius, to make sure every bit of code was in the right place and to request more nudity. Beth wanted a more unisex feel to her blog, and her request for "explosions and shit" morphed into the new Patriotic skin. This design carried with it some performance anxiety, due to some naysayers who apparently expected us to do a lousy job. Pffft. It looks pretty damn good. Thank you to Mistress Beth for taking a chance with us for her edgy new look. Oh, and thanks to that Mac guy too! Ah yes the Mind Fuhrer's blog. She claims she "threw my skins together in a very haphazard manner". I of course requested more nudity. She laughed at me. A lot.

Anyhoo, thanks to all who've helped out venture into the design world do surprisingly well. Y'all don't tell Sadie, but I think it's 'cause she's so darned cute. Well that and she's a helluva designer and bidness partner.

Posted by phineas g. at 05:27 PM on November 30, 2005 | TrackBack

Congrats. They are all wonderful.

And I can say that you exactly nailed T1G's persona with that design.

Keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed......

Posted by: Tammi at November 30, 2005 08:00 PM

Yeah, I'm cute like Punky Brewster.


Posted by: Sadie at November 30, 2005 08:19 PM