A little...
Dear Minister of Propoganda,
Contrary to the rumors you've been spreading, this:

is not eight inches.
In light of this recent discovery, we've decided to pool our resources to purchase the shirt in the extended entry for you from t-shirt hell.

You should receive it just in time for Festivus.
Ouch. ;-)
Posted by: Sadie at December 6, 2005 04:08 PMyou know phin, that shirt comes in baby size too for the little phin-ster...
Posted by: caltechgirl at December 6, 2005 04:35 PMOuch. Ganged up on by a farmer, a girl and a fish.
Posted by: The Minister of Propaganda at December 6, 2005 05:13 PMFunnily enough I use that same joke all the time.
Posted by: Contagion at December 7, 2005 08:47 AM