Baby Jesus Blogging

*** Start Disclaimer ***
If you've reached this page looking for information on Baby Jesus, you're not going to find it.

This is a post setup primarily because I enjoy beating dead horses and will go to great lengths to prove a point. Also it's a lame attempt to prevent the number one search result for Baby Jesus from being a sex toy.

You may also consider it sacrilege, if so, move along.
** End Disclaimer ***

I may have opened a can of worms in a previous post from earlier today regarding google results for Baby Jesus. There was discussion about the search results and it was suggested that it would be easy a dubious programmer at google to make couple of tweaks to shift the results when search for Baby Jesus to an adult toy site either that or it was asserted there has to be a flaw at the very core of Google's search routine.

As best I can figure Google's search routine utilizes weighted values where items in between the <title> tags are assigned higher values than items in <h*> (header tags), which are assigned higher values than items in hyperlinks, which are assigned higher values than plain text. Kind of confusing until you put it all on paper. Lets assign arbitrary values of 5 for a title reference, 4 for a h1 header reference, 3 for all other header references, 2 for hyperlinks and a solitary point for plain text.

This individual post would rate as follows:
Page Title: phin's blog: Baby Jesus Blogging +5 points
H1 Reference (the article post title): Baby Jesus Blogging +4 points
No additional Header References: 0 points
Two Hyperlinks: +4 points
Plain Text References: Baby Jesus was referenced seven times + 7 points
Total Score: 20

Now I'm making no claims that Google uses this exact scenario, however weighted systems such as these are common. Anybody who has spent a semester or two studying computation and complexity theory can back these claims.

Now, well now we wait to see if my removal of Google's 'bot from the Robots.txt will allow Google to pick up this page and take me to the top of search results for Baby Jesus.

Posted by phineas g. at 11:04 PM on December 27, 2005 | TrackBack

Dang. I guess you do like beating dead horses! However, this is going to be interesting!

Posted by: Theresa at December 28, 2005 02:05 PM