Blog(ger) PTSD
I'm not real sure whether it's the blog or me that's suffering the most after the past couple of weeks as a series of unfortunate and rather traumatic events have unfolded here in the phish bowl.
As many of y'all know the missus is with child and due to give birth in about six weeks, everythings as normal as possible with her so don't worry about that. Now the preparations for Junior's arrival have taken on precedence as the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is drawing nearer, both figuratively and literally. The wife's honey-do list as now become a list of demands and she's now barking orders out at a decibel and with a ferocity that would make General George Patton seem like a wee little schoolgirl. It's a tad bit disconcerting to say the least.
Now as y'all can imagine I like to take things at my own pace (as long as the missus isn't looking I'm the boss around here damn it!!!!) and this has lead to a couple of "misunderstandings" as to the time frame in which she'd like things done. You'll notice I say she, because my opinion apparently no longer matters. Really she wouldn't be in this mess "with child" if it weren't for me so shouldn't I have a say in some of the decisions? Sure she could have found some other drunken hobo to sire her child, but then he wouldn't have my charm, good looks, sense of humor and humility. Of course, I've recently been informed that when she wants my opinion she'll give it to me.
The largest part of these plans of course involved getting the nursery ready. Now three weeks ago we didn't have a nursery. I had an office / blog room, but we didn't have a nursery. I had a domicile of sanity and a place hide from the women that have overrun my home, but we didn't have a nursery. I had a room that laden with testosterone and free of Estrogen, but we didn't have a nursery. Now we do.
My "crap" has been cleaned out, the carpet shampooed, the walls painted and we're office to the races. The custom desk I'd built has been removed and replaced with a crib. The entertainment center removed and replaced with a changing table. Light blues, greens are the colors and ducks now adorn the walls where pictures of the Hatteras and Ocracoke Lighthouses and maps of North Carolina's Ghost Fleet and Outer Banks were once proudly on display.
As a side affect from these traumatic actions is the normal level of suckitude on display here has suffered. Anyhoo, I too have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, a majority of the pressing matters have been addressed and the regular levels of dysfunction should return any day now. If that doesn't work there's more beer.
One thing this exercise did help with is the realization that for at least the next eighteen years everything I say and ninety percent of what I'll do from hereafter will be wrong; thus I'll sit back, relax, drink beer and laugh as the remainder of my sanity slips out of grasp. It is of course all very well worth it.
Update: Now with a picture that explains everything!!!

Pretty much.
Have you invaded some other section of the house?
Posted by: caltechgirl at January 12, 2006 03:23 AMI think 90% is a bit harsh phin! It's more like, oh 88%, really! ;) And if you ask my husband, he'd tell you his sanity didn't slip away. It rushed out the window the first time he had to change a poopie diaper and was peed on.
Am I the only one who finds all this trauma to be rather entertaining?
Posted by: sadie at January 12, 2006 07:47 AMI have a support group you can join. We meet once a month at a local bar so we can complain about our wives being mad about us going to a bar once a month.
Posted by: Contagion at January 12, 2006 08:25 AMYep. That's about right.
Don't worry, Phin. It'll get easier to take.
Posted by: Kathy at January 12, 2006 09:58 AMWould it be cruel to point out that the 0-3 years are considered the easiest and best times of the parent/child relationship?
Yes. Yes, it would.
But don't worry, you'll get your room back in 18 years. Til then, there's always WiFi.
Posted by: Allan at January 12, 2006 10:10 AMThat is the most accurate graph I have ever seen!
Posted by: Theresa at January 12, 2006 10:36 AMSadie, since I sired (at least I claim them on any given day - sometimes) both Phin and Confederate Yankee, I join in your amusement. Ms.Ghost and I have totally enjoined CY's child rearing experiences and Phin and the missus pregnancy.
The amusement can only get better.
Posted by: ncgrayghost at January 12, 2006 01:07 PMHeh heh.
Posted by: Sadie at January 12, 2006 06:21 PM