Whilst away from the interweb several milestones were reached, all very worthy of celebration.
The Straight White Guy proves he's still Straight, White and the Man. He and Mrs. Straight White Guy celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary this weekend. What's the proper gift for twelve years of wedded bliss anyhoo? I'm thinking twelve is the year of SPAM (the edible kind).
French newz hottie Melissa Theuriau got naked and pictures got taken. I still can't believe I got "scooped" on this story, damn it.
The LLama Butchers put up their 5000th post on Moo Knew, and y'all thought I was full of crap.
The Random Penseur published post number 1000. Thanks RP for sharing, if you're wondering I'm the knucklehead combing through your archives, often printing them out and sharing them with the missus (especially the tales about the boy child and girl child).
Chip, and the Crack Young Staff of "The Hatemonger's Quarterly" are going to celebrate their second blogiversary this month. Amazingly they having received a link from that Glenn guy. Herein launches the boycott The Instapundito Campaign.
That's you? I thought the restraining order prohibited that kind of conduct. Maybe I didn't read it carefully enough. Oh, well.
Thanks for the good wishes, Phin!
Posted by: RP at March 27, 2006 11:25 AMThanks for the link to the Melissa pics. Who knew she had a tatoo?
Posted by: RP at March 27, 2006 11:27 AM.. thanks, Phin... it's been quite a ride so far...
Posted by: Eric at March 27, 2006 12:57 PM