
Ah yes, the joys of summer, aka swimsuit season, and after Eva Longoria wore her swimsuit to the VMA'a a while back the fashionistas have decided it's time to dress up the ladies beach wear.

Now I'm all for it, in some cases. As an appreciator of the female form nothing brings light to my pitted black shriveled up heart like attractive women in skimpy clothing. So naturally I was giddy when Fox had images to go along with their article.

Boy howdy was I in for some disappointment.

Nothing, these chicks, except for Eva, brought nothing to the table. Nothing in the front, nothing in the rear, nothing. If I wanted to look at chicks with no boobs who'd overdosed on that new miracle drug, noassatall, I'd don one of the wife's swimsuits and prance around in front of a mirror.

So I clicked away from the article disappointed and sad. Sad because J. Crew and the rest of the fashionistas aren't paying their models enough so they can eat. Perhaps a "Buy a Model a Sandwich" charity event should be planned, but right now I'm just too lazy dejected to do so.

If that wasn't enough imagery for you, you can always take a peek at Margaret Cho naked. Having anything to do with the Ms? Exotic World Pageant when Margaret Cho is on the list of people attending just got added to my not so much list. (It's easier than have a thing's I'll do list).

Posted by phineas g. at 02:21 PM on June 09, 2006 | TrackBack

I couldn't bring myself to click on the Margaret Cho link. I just couldn't. I tried, but failed.

Posted by: RP at June 9, 2006 03:54 PM

Evil. You are just evillllll.

(...and if Phin Knievel rolled off the tongue, that would be your new nickname...)

Posted by: agent bedhead at June 11, 2006 03:31 AM