The next pope
The lefties have spoken; we simply can not allow Pope Benedict XVI to rule the Catholic Church with an Iron fist. We mustn't allow the world's Catholics to suffer under Pope Benedict XVI's rule, think of all the innocents who will be subject to catholic indoctrination if we allow Pope Benedict XVI to be head of the Catholic Churh. Just what were the cardinals thinking?
From the Left's analysis of the Iraq Quagmire we all know the War in Iraq cannot be won; via The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler "Now, the warbloggers, who are fuzzy on the details of the actual war, like to believe that we're winning in Iraq. They're about the only ones who do."
Fear not though, I have a solution. Since America is in dire need of a Military Victory, lest we be shamed in front of the rest of the world and loose our Super Power Status, we should invade the Vatican. Actually we can't just invade the Vatican; we must erase any semblance of its existence. Sure I know what you're saying it'd be sacrilegious; but when faced by being shamed by France (they said we’d never win the war against Iraq you know) what’s a little sacrilege?
Face it, President Bush isn’t going to waste a Nuke on the Moon, and we have all these spares laying around. So why not nuke the Vatican?
Sure there’s the whole Italy really hasn’t done anything to us either mindset; but they have. We didn’t complete the hit on that Communist Hussy Giuliana Sgrena and they're going to figure it out soon; so technically we’d be killing two birds with one stone. Okay maybe more than two birds, but when you think about it has anything good ever really come out of Italy?
Finally we must have an exit strategy. What are we going to do once we've removed the power of the Catholic Church from the Vatican? We can ill afford to follow the precedent set in Germany and Iraq where American troops must remain present for even one day after the battle is over. Well really it wouldn’t be a battle since we’d just be dropping a bomb or a dozen; but you get my point. We shall move the center of the Catholic Church to San Francisco and follow through on Susan Estrich’s petition to the Vatican to do away with that ruffian Benedict XVI and appoint a female pope instead.
Just remember kids, when they launch the missles you heard it here first. Now I understand why being a hate filled lefty is so easy, you see a problem you pick a solution and run with it.