Somethin's in the water

Many thanks to everybody that wished the Wife and I a happy anniversary.

We managed to slip away this past weekend for a trip to the beach. Some friends of ours loaned us their place for the weekend, as an anniversary present, and with the wife's addiction to the ocean and laying out on the beach it would have more than likely been a death sentence had we not gone.

We had a great time for the most part, only thing, no internet access. None, Zero, Zilch, Nadda. So the posts I'd mapped out on the way down got trashed, no need to post about current events three days late.

The town / beach area where we stayed was in Brunswick County, I'd describe it, but basil does a much better job. Well actually the Brunswick County locals make the residents of the bucket seem high class. They're truly a scary group of folks. The scariest is they must all be dropping out of school prior to sex ed or there's somethin' in the water. The wife and I noticed on our trips into town that if a female was of breeding age she was either about to explode, she was pushing a stroller and dragging a couple more youngin's or both.

Not that there's anything wrong with people in love having children, but at some point in time somebody's got to teach that crowd why they're having so many kids and that most folks wait until they get married to have their second or third child.

Needless to say the Wife had a great time, being around me that's a given. We spent some time on the beach, spent some time being amused by the yankee tourists and took a couple of trips to the Redneck Riviera. Not knocking Myrtle Beach the Redneck Riviera, well I guess I am, but why do people feel the need to leave all sense of common decency behind when they go on vacation? Maybe I've missed the memo that went out regarding the Myrtle Beach dress code and etiquette.

I mentioned no internet access right? I'm pretty sure I started going into withdrawals sometime around the second hour I realized I couldn't connect to the interweb. I was able to scheme and clear my otherwise fogged memory. spacemonkey said it best when he said not having internet access at the beach is like being comatose in a way, with sunburn. Sunburn ouchies.

More to come later after I catch up on work and reading.

Update: We did take precautions just in case it was something in the water (Well that and beach water kinda tastes / smells funky.), nothing but bottled water was consumed this weekend.

Posted by phineas g. at 10:09 AM on June 13, 2005

Welcome Back!!

; )

Posted by: Chrissy at June 13, 2005 11:38 AM

Congratulations and welcome back.

Posted by: basil at June 13, 2005 12:04 PM