While I was away

It seems I picked the wrong weekend to be without internet access.
Kathy, Gordo and sadie broke out the yearbooks and reminised about Blogistan High.

At least Steve-O waited until today to declare war.

Queen of Feisty, guest blogging version 'splains to us what a girl wants, what girl needs .... Hint: It doesn't involve showing a lady your O-Face (Link is a sound file and may not be work safe)..... It really is all about the O isn't it?

Queen of Feisty, original feisty version, does a double take.

Confederate Yankee has tips on how to prepare for a Hurricane.

Pixy's stalking me. He's just off by a couple of dozen miles (If the picture is the same Creswell I'm thinking of he's within 50 miles).

Harvey wants toys this year for Father's Day and his Blogiversary. I'm thinking this will do nicely (link may not be work safe).

I always miss the good stuff.

Posted by phineas g. at 12:30 PM on June 13, 2005