Speaking of Clowns

While I was in college, all eight wonderful years, I constantly had a sneaking suspicion that I was surrounded by a bunch of clowns. If you've spent much time on a collegiate campus you're probably familiar with the type: They make the guys wearing Aluminum Foil Beanies that comment on the Democratic Underground look sane and are constantly spouting off how the Bush Administration hasn't done anything right, they're taking advantage of the working class and they're destroying the environment; right before they hop into their BMW.

My suspicions about the Clowns of Higher Learning have been confirmed, Wednesday night at Butler University conservative activist David Horowitz was hit with a pie shortly after he started a lecture. So without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the new face of the liberal movement.

Click to Enlarge in Another Window

Hopefully they'll catch the clowns responsible for the attack.
Surely these intellectuals know that such childish acts don't further their cause?
Are we really supposed to take the party of Pie tossers seriously?

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin via The Jawa Report

Posted by phineas g. at 12:28 AM on April 07, 2005