A happier ending

Michelle Malkin posted an article, MORE "PEACE" THUGS AT WORK, about a group of students that organized a sit-in at an UC Santa Cruz job fair to protest the military recruiters that were present. When campus police in riot gear showed up the administrators sought a peaceful resolution and negotiated with protest leaders. The hour long protest ended after when military representatives vacated their posts.

You read it correctly, the Representatives of the U.S. Military were asked to leave their posts to pacify some 75 protestors. Why is it that the people who had a lawful right to be there were asked to leave to pacify those who were participating in an illegal activity? This incident at UCSC is another fine example of how the Liberal Bias in the United States Collegiate System is ruining our country.

I'd love to see how the administration tries to explain buckling to this group. It seems to me the they would know that giving in to this type of illegal activity is only going to encourage it at other campuses across the country; maybe that's what they're hoping will happen.

If the administration had allowed the cops, or the recruiters themselves, to drag the protesters out with a little bit of encouragement from some pepper spray, the "Peaceful" Demonstation would have ended and probably wouldn't be repeated. Now that would have been a happier ending. Why is it when a group of liberals get together they have the spine of a Jelly Fish?

Hopefully the next group that organizes and unlawful protest the U.S. Military is met with just the right amount of pepper spray and baton usage.

Posted by phineas g. at 01:38 PM on April 06, 2005