Scoobie Responds

I posted the other day about Scoobie Davis being a Moon Bat. He was kind enough to reply in the comments: "For the record, I am a center/left person. I grew up in a Republican family (right about the time the party of Lincoln was admitting people like Trent Lott). So I left it. That makes me a moon bat?"

Leaving from the Republican party doesn't make anyone a Moon Bat, I know several people that aren't members of the Republican party and they aren't Moon Bats.

Why do I think Scoobie Davis is a Moon Bat.

Well here are just a couple of reasons:

Scoobie Davis refers people to Media Matters as a reliable information source.
Scoobie Davis links to Oliver Willis as a reliable information source.
Scoobie Davis links to The Liberal Avenger as a reliable information source.

Scoobie Davis praises Ameriblog for outing a gay journalist Jeff Gannon. “Kudos to AmericaBlog for their journalistic coup”. If you still don’t think he’s a real journalist, click here.

And per Scoobie Davis online he posted the following about how he "socializes with some of Hollywood's elite: “I don't want to give specifics about how I get in, but often it involves using deception about who I am. I don't think that's a betrayal of my values because it gets me into some really slammin' places.” If you’ll don’t see anything wrong with lying since it gets you into some “Really Slammin’ Places” what else would he do for a little media exposure? This really has nothing to do with him being a Moon Bat, but does show a lack of moral fortitude.

Scoobie Davis didn't really think I'd call him a Moon Bat without documentation did he?

Update: Welcome Jawalanchers, not to be confused with Jolly Ranchers(although both are great, only one satisfies the ego), who needs Glenn Reynolds when you've got The Jawa Report & It's A Pundit?

Posted by phineas g. at 12:13 PM on April 06, 2005