Nothing, I have Nothing for Sale

I have nothing new to add to the blogosphere this April Fools Morning.

basil the web pirate It appears that the web pirate basil has taken over yet another blog. It started a while back with his high jacking of Red State Rant. That little skirmish wasn't resolved until Lance called in the Marines.

Evidentially as innocent a basil looks his quest for blogging dominance has resulted in the take over of evil glenn's web site. Yes, you read that right, click on the link, basil has control of evil glenn's web site.

In other news, the great Frank J's promise to blog forever ended abruptly when he sold out to the Koreans, that must have been one poofy deal, and the comparison's of the lovely Sarah K to Yoko began to fly.

Happy April Fool's Day Everybody.

Posted by phineas g. at 08:50 AM on April 01, 2005