I could keep quiet, but I'm not

I was gonna just keep my big mouth shut when I read Acidman's reply (a warning that his language gets a bit rough) to the topic we discussed earlier this week. In his profanity laden tirade, it's his blog he can use the language conventions of the Democratic Underground if he wants, he brings in some incoherent standpoint that since the women he's been involved with have used sex as a weapon, all women must.

Normally I wouldn't get involved in an argument with someone who isn't being reasonable about a subject, see my father taught me a long time ago that there's no need to get into a pissing contest with a skunk, but I was also raised to speak up when a disservice is being done.

I truly am sorry that his ex-wife won't let him talk to his son and has turned his son against him, or whatever the case is.

But to attack the personalities of the ladies just isn't right, especially when they haven't done anything to him. Sure some women use sex as a weapon, if he'd have keep a civil tone and asked I'm sure everyone would agree with him. But to assert that due to cartoon images they're all using sex as a weapon is crap. I'll let them pick him to pieces about that.

Since Acidman started the trend of jumping from one conclusion to another here's my take on the whole situation. Acidman got burned by his ex-wife, again I'm sorry about that, but at some point you have to be man enough to pick up the pieces and realize that all women aren't to blame. Sure there are some that are bitter shrews, just like there are some grumpy old farts running around, but with a little common sense and a decent judge of character you can weed out the good from the bad. But of course that would require accepting at least partial blame for our situations and that just isn't rational is it?

Maybe he should stick to bashing the unemployed, dope-smoking ex-friend shacking with his ex-wife and his ex-wife. Or if she's as big a pain as he makes her out to be send him a thank you note and MOVE ON. At some point Acidman's got to realize that being pissed at the world isn't going to do him much good and the best thing to do is get along with his life. Espcially when he lashes out at a group of ladies that haven't done anything to him with the rational of a two year old. If he doesn't like women, well there are plenty of places he can meet a nice guy to play butt darts with.

I guess next Acidman be all over me for having a goldfish posted on my site, you know the whole: fish are related to shell fish and oysters are an aphrodisiac which leads to women using sex as a weapon logic , but hopefully he'll be man enough to do it in a civil tone.

Posted by phineas g. at 01:38 PM on March 31, 2005