Why blog?

Christina from Feisty Repartee asked "Why we do this blogging thing?" I've also been kinda wondering the same thing after reading basil's post about learning to blog earlier this week. Truth of the matter is I'm really not sure why I do it. I started reading blogs a while back, not regularly at first, but the ones I was reading put an interesting twist on the topics I was interested in.

My older, sometimes wiser, brother started his blog in November and a short time after that I started reading basil's blog. If anyone is to blame it would be the two of them. I'd kicked around the idea of blogging off and on but never really took the time to do anything about it. My brother's ability to belittle and berate those that have agitated him so eloquently with words intertwined with basil's humor and ability to tell a story finally inspired me to get off my lazy can and give it a whirl.

While on vacation I jumped in created my blog and posted on a couple of topics that had worked on my nerves and it's been downhill from there. If I had to give the main reason I post; stress relief, plain and simple stress relief. I can't scream too much at the people I work with, they'll quit and that would cut into the amount of time I can get paid to read blogs. I can't scream at my wife, she'll kick my arse and it's hard to read with two black eyes. So that leaves me with being obnoxious and overbearing where I can't be beaten too severely; that and the internet gives everyone has access to my words of wisdom.

My narcissism also feeds my desire to blog, after all who better to voice their opinion than my personalities? That and the comradery of other bloggers; it kinda reminds me of one big happy family, dysfunctional but happy none the less.

Posted by phineas g. at 11:56 PM on March 02, 2005