Iraq's first vote in over 50 years a success!

Inital reports show 72 percent of those eligible to cast ballots did so. Wait that has to be a typo, nope I checked, double checked, and even went back a third time. For a land that had the will of America pushed on it the Iraqi’s seemed to respond very well. Maybe American’s should have some of their own will pushed upon themselves since our highest voter turn out was 63 percent back in 1960.

After the results of the Iraqi elections are finalized I’m waiting on John Kerry, Barbra Boxer and Teddy Kennedy to demand answers to the following three questions:
1) Were the people voting actually U.S. Troops dressed as Iraqi’s?
2) Where was the Bloodbath that was projected to take place on Election Day in Iraq?
3) Is there a place for them in Iraq’s political arena since they’ve worn out their welcome in America?

  • Update: The percentage of voters has been lowered to 60%
Posted by phineas g. at 12:12 PM on January 30, 2005