How routine are you?

A couple of weeks back Stiggy from the Project Bowl posted a series of questions asking people about their daily cyber routine.

I am rather curious as to when people do their mail checks, blog writing, news surfing or anything else. I'm sure some of you are extremely geeky and check emails all the time at every given chance but somewhere all of us have a modus operandi. Email checking first or blog reading? Blog reading in the afternoon? Gaming in the evening? Forums or BBS? Is it daily or weekly? Are the weekends different? Why?

In a new series of articles I am writing on the subject of etheropology (a completely made up word based on anthropology but meaning the study of human behavior relating to computers in particular the internet) I am asking for all of you to help. How? By asking the question of yourselves and perhaps ask the question on your blog or co-workers too. The more information gathered the better the cross-section of answers will be and hopefully the results will be interesting to read!

The subject of routines is the first in this series. Your replies can feature in the comments in this post or even on your blog (you can trackback to let me know or just drop me an e-mail here if you do that so I know to gather the information) or even just e-mail me your answers. Thanks in advance for all of your help.

For the e-mail checking, pretty much whenever I'm awake and near a computer with internet access. For the 9 - 10 hours I'm at the office it's constant. At home if I'm working on a site design or browsing Al Gore's wondermous Interweb, the e-mail programs are running and I'm receiving glorious information on all the new products that'll make my chesticles bigger and enhance my peni(none have worked so far but I haven't given up hope, maybe I'll try the stretch-o-matic 5000 next).

During the work week it's borderline unhealthy, I'll check work e-mail accounts first and start making return phone calls as I check my other e-mail accounts, peruse the blogroll and then start thinking about a post or two. For forums and BBS for the couple I check, I try to make it a daily routine, often it's semi-daily or when prodded by a have you checked the forum lately you dimwit type e-mail.

The weekends are most certainly different. Work e-mail, for the day job may get checked once or twice. Clients have my cell phone if it's a pressing matter they can reach me. My other accounts get checked depending upon Interweb access and the weekend's activities.

So what's your routine? Be sure to let Stiggy know in his comments, via e-mail or by posting the answers on your blog and tracking back to this address:

Posted by phineas g. at 09:18 AM on October 11, 2005 | TrackBack

Uh...clue me in here, Phin.

What is this "gaming" he speaks of?

Posted by: Sadie at October 11, 2005 12:24 PM

I think it's a new form of entertainment, just another crazy fad is my guess.

I'm pretty sure all the cool kids are playing their Atari 2600's since blogging is so passé.

Posted by: phin at October 11, 2005 04:10 PM