Dude where's my oil?

I was having a rather polite conversation with one of the locals here in town when the conversation turned ugly. Seems he's a pink-o commie conspiracy theorist and doesn't really mind sharing his philosophies, no mater how off base or wrong they are.

There we were having a nice conversation about the weather, fishing (to my readers within striking distance of eastern NC Shad and Rock are running) and life in general when the conversation took a turn for the worse. He managed to switch over to the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and September 11th.

Most notably he kept citing the work, if you want to call it that, of Charlie Sheen, Ma Cindy and several Websites (I'm betting the DU and Daily Kos). First of, if you start citing celebrities as your sources of knowledge you're in trouble, more so if it's one of the Sheenlings that you're quoting.

Now if that wasn't bad enough he kept going on 'bout how the war is being fought over oil. Keeping the prices down so competitive alternatives aren't developed, allowing Bush and Company to continue to rake in their profits. When he hit that talking point I stopped him and asked him to step outside for a minute, where I showed him the going price for a gallon of gas.

Where's my cheap oil? I asked.

For some reason he didn't have a response.

Posted by phineas g. at 02:20 PM on April 05, 2006 | TrackBack


Posted by: Margi at April 5, 2006 01:34 PM

He obviously also hasn't been reading about the billions going towards curbing the US' addiction to oil.

Our price of gas up here is $0.99 CAD per litre or $3.25 USD per gallon, I want my cheap gas.

Posted by: Oorgo at April 5, 2006 02:46 PM

Do they ever have an answer? Other then "I hate Bush!".

The least they could do was provide some wipes to those they are talking too.

Posted by: William Teach at April 5, 2006 06:11 PM

Wow, filter was mucho strong.

Posted by: William Teach at April 5, 2006 06:11 PM

For a while Congress was all up in arms, but have not heard from them in a while. Hummmmmm. Could it be they are on vacation somewhere, or are they looking for some oil for us, or were the answers the oil company execs gave them that good that they are all buying stock in the bridge to England that I am building. Hummmm

Posted by: bgolfn at April 5, 2006 08:58 PM