I'm Phineous T. Goldphish and I'm an Idiot

The Moo Knew Collective is currently being pounded by spammers, so if'n you can't leave a comment it's nothing personal, for most of you, others, well it is personal, very personal.

On to the reason I'm an Idiot, well I managed to inadvertently kill of about twenty valid comments along with the spam I got popped with.

Anybody know what the penalty is for maiming a spammer? I'm thinking it'd be a lot less messy, on my end anyhoo, to ship them over to Russia. Not as much fun, but a lot less messy.

Posted by phineas g. at 04:32 PM on April 17, 2006 | TrackBack

Is there even a penalty? Dude, forget the mess... fun is what it's all about.

Posted by: That 1 Guy at April 19, 2006 04:43 PM