Me the prude

I've never really considered myself to be overly conservative, politically, sure, I'm just to the right of Genghis Khan and to the left of Attila the Hun, but in other aspects of life, nope.

Anyhoo dear reader, if you've been around here very often, or even not so very often, just more than once or twice, you've probably noted that my sense of humor is a tad bit on the warped side.

If'n I find humor in it there really isn't a topic I won't hit-on, kind of like a drunken fratboy in a hog house. Hell this place is a veritable bastion of references to midget pr0n, pudding wrestling, Cheetos, and midgets eating Cheetos whilst pudding-wrestling against that sweet and sultry Melissa Theuriau. Okay I made the last one up, kind of.

Now as I i was just running though the Yahoo! News and I see Future sex: gizmos, robots.

The most notable line:

Some researchers warn that too much fantasy could prove adverse to everyday human interaction.

Who'd a thunk it?

I'd always thought spending vast amounts of time in fantasy laden scenarios was called "group-work" and a requisite to graduate from just about any accredited college now-a-days. Maybe I'm just being cynical, that's been know to happen from time to time.

Really, I'm all for limiting the breeding rights of stupid people and providing substitutes to those who haven't successfully learned the horizontal mambo just yet, but damn, $6,500 for a RealDoll? Do you have any idea just how many spankings you can get at Madam Wong’s House of Ill Repute for $6,500? yeah, me neither.

Trust ole Uncle phin folks, it'll be a whole lot easier to hide a stack of receipts than a life-sized doll when the folks stop by for an unexpected visit.

What the hell ever happened to sneaking off to the shower for a bit of "me time", maybe I'm a prude, or today's kids are just too damned uppity.

Somewhat related, the knuckleheads from Help Win My Bet have found a third. For some reason I don't really see those two having a meaningful lasting relationship much longer, but that's probably just me being cynical again.

H/T: Agent Bedhead for finding the upstanding young couple at Help Win My Bet.

Posted by phineas g. at 04:10 PM on April 17, 2006 | TrackBack

Those dolls are just sick! And that couple? What the heck?

Posted by: Theresa at April 17, 2006 06:26 PM

"group work". *snort* That was funny!

Posted by: RP at April 18, 2006 09:14 AM